Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Have you ever heard the phrase, “attitude is everything?” or “life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we choose to respond to it?” It is easy to fall into negative thinking and let life happen to us instead of taking control of our life and choosing to live our life. It is amazing how our lives can improve dramatically when we choose to have a positive attitude and find the good in our lives. Yes, bad things will happen to each of us, but we can choose to move beyond those things and move on to the next moment in life. I challenge each of you to be more aware of your attitude and to use positive self-talk to change your attitude and your reactions. One simple technique is to use “thought stopping.” Thought stopping is simply being aware of our self-defeating and negative thoughts and making a conscious choice to switch to a positive thought. Initially some people need a physical reminder to change their thought processing, such as wearing a rubber band around your wrist and lightly flicking yourself with it to help switch from negative to positive thoughts. There are many other simple techniques that you can use to help improve your life and the social workers at Relive Rehab Group our here to help you learn about these techniques.

Angela Holoubek, LSCSW

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